Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

Teaching "Speaking" Part 4

But what are they doing now?
Whole class: speaking Mill drill
AIM To: 
speak to as many partners as possible, asking and answering questions about jobs and leisure activities.
Present simple for permanent states Present continuous for temporary actions
VOCABULARY: Jobs and leisure activities
Make one copy of the worksheet for each group of up to ten students. Cut the worksheet up into cards, being careful to cut and fold as indicated. Each card has two pictures, and should be folded so that it has 'job' on one side and 'now' on the other. You will need to keep one card for yourself to demonstrate the activity.
TIME:  15 minutes
1. Divide them into groups. Give one folded picture card to each student in the class. Keep one for yourself.
2. Make sure each student knows how to say the job and the activity shown in the pictures on their card.
3. Tell the students that they are going to ask and answer questions about the people on their cards, using the pictures as prompts. Write an example dialogue on the board, indicating the language the students should use.
4. Demonstrate the activity with individual students using the card you kept for yourself.
5. Now ask the students to go round the class or group and ask and answer questions with as many different partners as possible, using their picture cards as prompts. In this part of the activity, the students ask and answer the same 'job' question, but give a different 'now' answer each time they change partner.
6. When the students have finished, ask them to exchange cards and to go round the class or group again, this time holding their cards the other way round so that the picture marked 'now' is facing them, and the picture marked 'job' is facing their partner. The students take it in turns to ask questions using the pictures on their cards as prompts. In this part of the activity, the students talk about k a different job each time they change partner.
7. The students continue asking and answering in this way until they have spoken to as many different partners as possible.

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